Wednesday, August 16, 2017

My oh my!! 1/16/2017

Oh my goodness! This week has kinda been stressful especially at the
beginning of the week. 😓

So on Tuesday we saw Jeff and well he isn't getting baptized on the
21st. It maybe awhile... he has some addictions he needs to overcome
and yea...I'll explain more about the lesson then you'll understand.
This was an intense lesson. When we got there you could tell that the
devil was working really hard on him but by the end of the lesson he
totally did a 180. We thought he was dropping us but we just listened
to his concerns and it all ended well! So his aunt keeps giving him a
lot of anti which has made him question all the answers he has
recieved. So now he has a lot of questions so we said we will answer a
different question each time we see him. So tonight was about tithing
we talked to him about the principle and how it is a very personal
thing. He had questions about tithing settlements and had the total
wrong idea about it so we just discussed it. He told us that if we ask
him to pray about something he won't. So he now knows that he needs to
pray about everything we teach him about but don't leave it as a
commitment. But he said that we can still ask him if he has prayed
about it! It's like reverse psychology. He has to think it is his
idea. But he still will accept commitments to read and stuff. We gave
him a tithing pamphlet and had a very spiritual experience during the
prayer that we think was Confirming to him what he was feeling. So
during the prayer Sister Broadhead asked that he would feel the love
of his ancestors who are on the other side clapping and cheering him
on. But at the end of the prayer Jeff was bawling and so was I.
Because when she was praying I could literally feel someone touching
me and telling me how proud they were of Jeff so at the end I told him
what happened and I think he could feel it to so when I told him it
was just confirming his prompting, it was super cool and he was very

Then we saw him Wednesday, and he was doing a lot better. We asked if
he had anymore questions and he told us he was to exhausted to ask one
of them... but then he was like I actually don't have anymore... well
at least until he talks to his aunt again... 🙄 but he was the normal
Jeff again! He prayed at the end this time, and in his prayer he asked
every question that we have been asking him to ask. And when he was
done with his prayer he was crying (like usual but it's the spirit)
anyways so he gets done looks at us and asks us," after you are done
praying do you ever feel like someone is touching your head? Like a
father would when he is proud of you?" And we were like YES JEFF!!!
That's Heavenly Father telling you of truth!!! That's the Holy Ghost!!
It was so cool to see him receive an answer to his prayer!! Jeff is
amazing. We are hoping that one day in February or March will be the
day he gets baptized.

That was the biggest part of our week. We are still trying to help the
sisters. Nothing is getting better between them. We see them everyday
and it's really starting to get old. They need to sit down and talk it
out. We aren't allowed to do exchanges anymore, that didn't make me
very happy. But it's understandable because the sisters have to work
it out before we can help their area. When the spirit isn't there then
nothing happens in the areas.

But yeah my week was good! This week we have Zone Conference and it is
gonna be really good week!(: I hope you all have an amazing week!

Love you all!❤️
Sister Morgan

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