Wednesday, August 16, 2017

❄️❄️❄️⛄️☃️ 12/5/2016

Hello from Springfield where it's supposed to snow today.... 😬

It's been a fun busy week! Lots going on! The area is starting to pick back up. We found one new this week, but she didn't live in our area which is a bummer... but we did get someone on date!!!! 

On Tuesday we went to Cozettes, she needed to be out of her house by Wednesday, and so we were there all day moving stuff again to her new house. Which we have no idea how she is going to fit everything in her house... as of right now she looks like a hoarder... but it was really good, she doesn't like having a lot of people over at her house because of her PTSD and she only trusts a few of us, and so we were there doing it. Oooo so we had to take a lot of stuff to the dump, well I have never been to the dump before... there are a couple things I learned... 1. It smells so bad that you could almost puke with just one whiff, 2. That you have to unload the garbage by yourself... 😫 and 3. To be honest it was probably one of the best things I have ever done... this is why. We got through half of the truck load and come to find out we can't reach anymore, not that I could really reach in the first place... but I was sick of being there because of the smell, so I get in the back of the truck, because basically I could stand up in there and chuck things out of the truck... I was soooo dirty and gross after. We have pictures of us at the dump on cozettes phone so we will try to get those. Haha. 

Wednesday: We cleaned cozettes house... so just so you have an idea of how nasty this house was. We were there for 3 hours, I spent that whole time in there kitchen which isn't very big, scrubbing and washing the cabinets and the floor and the fridge. I wish we had before and after pictures... it was super gross!!! Like it fits only two people that's how small it was... it was also white cabinets with jam on them, other food, and other stuff that I don't want to really know about..... but it was fun and once it was all done and it was looking really good I felt very accomplished... then she took us out to lunch! Had Hawaiian time supper good! Mmmm 
Then we had a lesson with Jeff!! Okay so seriously he is golden! He knows the Book of Mormon is true. He knows he needs to change his life. So what does he do? He sets a date to be baptized. So don't laugh... it's for Nov. 30, 2017.... but he is ready, and once he starts coming to church he will move the date up. We are thinking by January. he will be baptized! Jeff is so great! He is very loving and kind and very sensitive. Like  every time we have a lesson with him he cries. Which is good. 

Friday: we went on exchanges(: I got to be with Sister Payne in the 4th wards area. I just love her so much! We actually came out together! But she was in a different MTC district. I love her SO much! We really want to be companions someday! We get along so great. she really needed an exchange so we had a lot of fun! And we worked really hard.. OHHHH we saw this less active who is really old and she made us drink orange juice that expired on OCTOBER 4th 😳 it was nasty. But then we kinda stayed up talking till like 2:30 and we hated ourselves at 6:30.. but we still got up! Cause we are obedient 🙂

Saturday: we had another lesson with Jeff!!! He has been reading everyday. He even took it a step farther and is reading it every morning and night! How awesome is that!!! He told us everything that he read and he seemed a lot more happy. From the first time we met him he was somber and he wasn't feeling worthy. But on Saturday he was happy, he was excited. And he promised us he would be coming to church! And guess what HE DID!!! He loved it! He said that he felt refreshed. We have an awesome member brother Quayle who we asked to fellowship him. And so he sat by him on Sunday and he talked with him! It was so great!!! It took the worry off of us! We also found out that Sister Broadhead's grandma died this weekend.. it was really sad. I have been trying my best to be the best companion ever. 

Also on Sunday: we had dinner with the sisters! I made us pasta and rice and garlic bread!(: it was super yummy!! I love our sisters a lot! Then we went to the crèche exhibit. Which is a whole bunch of nativity scenes and there was over a thousand of them, it was at the stake center. It was so cool! Then they also had pictures there and we took some as a zone and we also went with Cozette and her family. It was so much fun! I also got to see Cheryl and Sister Johnson!!! It was so awesome! I miss them so much 🙂 it was so nice to be able to talk to them and take Pictures! 

This week we have my first MLC which is mission leadership council! That means I have to teach ZTM on Friday which is super nerve racking! But it will be great (:
I love you all!!  Hope you all have a great week! 3 weeks till Christmas 🎄

Sister Morgan ❤️️

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