So this past week has been crazy! Its weird to think that I was in the MTC for half of it.. But now I am in Oregon!(:
On Tuesday (at the MTC) we had a devotional and the General Primary President spoke. It was really good! She quoted a lot of scriptures but one really stood out to me, 2 Nephi 22:2. I don't have my scriptures with me at the moment... but go look it up! its incredible (: The whole devotional we sang primary songs, and the ones about going on missions well the words were changed so it was talking about us now how we are on missions and it was such a spiritual thing to sing those songs growing up and now I'm actually doing it! We also sang If The Savior Stood Beside Me which is one of my all time favorites by Sally! That song just follows me wherever I go and it is wonderful. I love it so much!
On Wednesday we had to get up at 5:00 to go to the airport. It was nice to just sit and relax and be way early for my flight.. I don't get that luxury too much (; I got to call my family and that was so great! I really miss them! The flight was like an hour and a half. Not to bad! I just slept most of the time! When we got there our President and his wife picked us up and took us to the mission home! We slept there that night and they gave us delicious food!(:
Then on Thursday we went to the stake center in Eugene to meet our new companions and get our areas!! But of course our President made us sit through 2 hours worth of information and stuff before he would tell any of us... BUT I am now serving in a small little town called Creswell! (: and my companion is sister Figueroa ( figure- oh -ah) is how you say it! She is this cute adorable red head!
I love her so much! We get along so well and we crack each other up! She showed me popcorn bopping.. it's missionary dub step/ modern music. Just look it up! It's is great, I'll send you guys a video of my first time listening to it! Now I jam out with her, so you can just picture two sister missionaries JAMMING out in the car driving around town! (: Its like kids bop on Mormon steroids. I also met one of our new investigators and she is just adorable! She is 11 and super sweet!
Well Friday and Saturday and Sunday have all kinda ran together! My apartment is super adorable! On Friday we had to bug raid it... I killed so many spiders you guys should be proud of me. But now we don't have any ants or spiders or weird bugs that we don't know what they are. Then I unpacked all my stuff so it looks nice and pretty! We went contacting a lot and met some really cool people! On Sunday we went to church and well I already LOVE my ward! They are so awesome! The bishop had me get up and introduce myself and bear my testimony! Then instead of Relief Society we went to Young Women's which was a nice change! (: After church we ate a lot of girl scout cookies (Thanks mom and dad! My birthday money is being spent in a very great way!) and we set up our beds and a table with the IPad to watch some bible videos (one of our goals this transfer is to watch all of them!) So it was really nice to just relax during our dinner time and to eat yummy food!(: OOH I also made my companion homemade mac and cheese the other night... she loved it of course!(:
So today is Monday (My new P-day!) and we had the coolest experience happen to us. So we went grocery shopping before we came to email and we met this old grandpa guy when we like first got there and we kept running into him throughout the store and we were there for like an hour and a half.. and when we went to the car his truck was right next to us!! He invited us to pet his dogs and we just got the strongest feeling to give him our card and talk to him more about Christ and we offered to give service and stuff.. and a little while after we got to the church he called us and was like, "Well I don't really feel comfortable with most people but on my way home I was praying about you girls and I just felt Christ so much telling me that I need to call you and see if you could come over and help me out." It was just really incredible and it makes me really happy. He told us a lot more about his life and he reminds me of my grandpa and he is just this sweet old guy who I know is ready to hear the gospel and its just great!(:
Well I love you all and I hope you are doing great! I love this gospel and being a missionary. Yeah its hard sometimes but little things like today are what it is all about!(: I know that this is the true gospel of Jesus Christ and that he died for me. I LOVE the Book of Mormon. It is the greatest book of all time and I truly know that Joseph Smith was a Prophet called by God. I miss you all so much and hope your week is going great! Miss you!
Sister Morgan! (:
I love reading your emails and hearing about all of your fun adventures! Keep em' coming! Great job Sister Morgan! <3